The Electronic Super Highway: Nam June…

The Electronic Super Highway: Nam June Paik in the Nineties (1995)

'Jud Yalkut
1995, 40 min, color, sound

This portrait of Nam June Paik was produced as a "video catalogue" for the national touring exhibition The Electronic Super Highway, which premiered at The Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. This work features recent installations, historical background and interviews with the artist. The title refers to a 1974 report that Paik prepared for the Rockefeller Foundation, entitled "Media Planning for the Post Industrial Society." In it he predicted much of the technological transformation we have experienced in the past twenty years, and urged the creation of what he termed the Electronic Super Highway. For this exhibition, Paik has created his own version of the "Cybertown," or smalltown America in the electronic age, a new community founded on moving images.'

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